رغــم أنــه ال يــزال شــابا يافعــا بمقاييــس عالــم األعمــال )نحــو 33 عامــا(، إال أن الحديث مع مشــعل الشــعلة ابن رجل األعمــال البارز والوزير األســبق عبدالنبي الشعلة، يشعرك بمدى سعة اطالع رجل األعمال الشاب الذي عاد من الغربة في أستراليا ليتسلم قيادة مجموعة ”الفنار“ من والده الذي أسسها وشيدها على مدى أربعين عاما لتصبح من أكثر […]
Event held 2013 at the gulf exhibition center
Mr. Abdulanabi Al Sho’ala – Chairman , Al Fanar Investment Holding Co. BSC The year was 1968 and a tall, brighteyedBahraini man walked down the streets of Bombay, his senses alert to the myriad sounds, smells and sights of this amazing city. It was Abdulnabi Al Sho’ala’s first visit to a large city and the small-town boy […]
Mr. Abdulanabi Al Sho’ala – Chairman , Al Fanar Investment Holding Co. BSC Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelongattempt to acquire it enunciates Mr. Abdulnabi Al Sho’ala- Chairman, Al Fanar Investment Holding Co. BSC (c) -whose numerous achievements have placed him in a league of his own. In an exclusive […]
Marwa Al Sho’ala, Business Development Director of Gulf Markets International Entering the family business is always a huge decision to take on and Marwa Al Sho’ala , Business Development Director of Gulf Markets International , will tell you why . Even though the dynamic business world of today wasn’t Marwa’s initial calling , she found […]